It’s hard to believe it’s been almost 5 months since I last wrote in this journal. I feel like the beginning of A Tale of Two Cities … “it was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” We all come to crossroads in our lives, hopefully quite a few times before we die … I have lost count of how many I have maneuvered through, but here I am again, figuring out what comes next.
I am in my new home in Florida, having sold my beautiful Reno abode last November, luckily to a dear friend who loved my home as much as I did. This little Florida home is not built as well, and I do miss so many of the conveniences I had in my Reno home, so I am still grappling a bit with my decision. Funnily enough, I now live on the doorstep of the cruise industry, yet have NO desire to return to it.
If you have been reading my posts, you know I’m not motivated by money. I am motivated by work. What is the work? Who will I be working with? Where will I be traveling for my work? I just returned from a job in Mykonos, Greece. The significance of returning to Mykonos at this juncture in my life was not lost on me, for it was where I worked through a previous crossroad when I found myself divorced. Upon returning from Greece, I had made the decision to leave my life in California, closed my dance studio, and started all over again in Nevada. I went to Las Vegas. That was 1994, more than 20 years ago.
While in Mykonos this time, as I worked, I contemplated what I was doing and whether I wanted to continue doing it. This was a costume job under my Choozi by Design label. I realized how happy I was with the Producer hat off my head. My body also felt better as I had been dancing a bit prior to leaving, so my compressed discs in my lower back weren’t as painful as usual, even after all those hours sitting on an airplane. Hmmm. This was something. I started paying more attention to my body than my mind. Doing one of my costume fittings, I bent over to pick up a hem of a skirt and didn’t have to put my hand on my knee in order to straighten, as I usually do. Hmmm…this really was something.
The job I was doing was for a corporate incentive program, working with a client I have known, and worked with, for 12 years. This client was someone who helped me with another crossroad in my life, when I decided to leave Farrington Productions and start Choozi Entertainment. Again, the synchronicity of what I was doing, who I was doing it for, and where I was, was not lost on me.
As I sit writing this, I am anxious to get up from my computer and move my body. Staying in motion was at one time the most important aspect of my healthy life, and now, with my house here in Florida, I have a large lawn with landscaping to oversee. I have been out almost every day, weeding, watering, puttering … my body once again in motion. It feels so good to go to bed physically tired, as it provides me the best night’s sleep.
I will never give up Choozi, but I have decided to return to teaching. Choozi is ME. It can be anything I want it to be. When I created the Choozi Business Plan, I created it to ebb and flow with what I do. I also realized upon re-reading it once again, I know how to write a damn good business plan! But seriously, I give thanks every day of my life for being empowered by both my parents to know I could be anything I wanted to be by pursuing that which made me happiest!
Surround yourself with things that bring you joy. I wish for all my friends, and all who read this, that your work brings you joy, however I know this isn’t true for so many. Our fears and our perceived limitations keep us stuck in the same place. It’s tough walking away from something that pays the bills, and trust me when I say … it doesn’t get any easier each time you do it. What it does however is give one a greater sense of purpose, by re-invigorating our desire to contribute, but in different ways.
So now, I’m thinking of opening a dance studio. How funny is that? I was in Mykonos when I decided to close my dance studio … and 20 years later? I was in Mykonos contemplating opening a dance studio. The synchronicity of life always astounds me. Follow your bliss, as the expression goes. Our time is so limited here, so live large my friends! Namaste.