Protagonist - Choozi Entertainment
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Choozi Entertainment is solely owned by Suzanne “Soozi” Childers, whose career in arts and entertainment spans 50+ years.  Starting in 1965 as a baby ballerina on the Jackie Gleason Show, Soozi has worn a gamut of hats over the years … dancer, choreographer, dance educator, costume designer, writer, conceptual artist, producer, consultant, and entrepreneur.


Soozi moves effortlessly from multi-million ‘turn-key’ theatrical operations, to simple Fortune 500 one-off events, with the grace of the ballet dancer she once was.  Her past clients have included mass market, as well as luxury cruise lines, Las Vegas, Lake Tahoe, Reno, and Atlantic City Casinos, notable Silicon Valley companies, major sports organizations, and touring Broadway shows, to name but a few.


Choozi’s excellent reputation as an innovative, forward thinking company derives from Soozi’s philosophy that every client deserves original ideas.  Never one to repeat herself, Soozi builds her entertainments specifically to her client’s needs, with her nod toward innovation, believing just because it hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean it can’t be done!